Directions to Rockfish Gliderport in Nellysford, Virginia
We are operating at our new GliderPort in Nellysford VA, near Charlottesville. Our new address is Rockfish Airpark, 227 Edgewood Drive, Nellysford VA 22958. Google Map Link
Use the map below for directions to "VG22" (the FAA's abbreviation for the airport) from your location. See you there!
Use the map below for directions to "VG22" (the FAA's abbreviation for the airport) from your location. See you there!
The Airpark is located just off Route 151 west of the town of Nellysford. The area is near Wintergreen Resort and a growing number of wineries, cideries and breweries. Follow your directions to Route 151 and then turn at the Rockfish Valley Foundation Natural History Museum, then a left turn at the church.